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Nuno Limao on the Costs of Trade Wars - Read more

Distinguished University Professor Maureen Cropper, chair of the Department of Economics, co-authored a report published in The Lancet that found pollution is linked to an estimated nine million deaths each year worldwide – equivalent to one in six (16%) of all deaths.
Maureen Cropper Coauthor of Report that Links Pollution to 9 Million Deaths Worldwide in 2015 - Read more

Maureen Cropper Discusses Climate Change at IMF Annual Meetings
At the annual meetings of the International Monetary Fund, Professor and Chair Maureen Cropper served as a panelist on the Per Jacobsson Panel, discussing economic and financial issues related to the impact of climate change.
Maureen Cropper Discusses Climate Change at IMF Annual Meetings - Read more

What DACA's End Could Mean for Colleges
One of the concerns expressed about the potential end of the DACA program is the effects that this might have on enrollments at the nation's colleges and universities. Assistant Professor Lesley Turner, who has worked on higher-education finance and the experiences of undocumented college students, is quoted on this subject in a recent article in The Atlantic.
What DACA's End Could Mean for Colleges - Read more
- Cramton on market design and high-frequency trading
- Limão on the effects of trade policy uncertainty
- Hulten on the innovation economy
- Cropper on reducing fuel consumption in the Indian car market